Porn, erotica and sexual scenes in highbrow literature

There can often be confusion among both readers and writers alike as to where to draw the line between porn and erotica. The guidance notes below seek to serve those wishing to categorise a piece of text as porn, erotica or an erotic scene within a piece of highbrow literature.

Pornographic Writing
You read a sexual scene while jerking off and then hide the book back behind the other books in your ‘special place’ on the book shelf.

Erotic Literature
You read a sexual scene while jerking off and then re-read the same scene to memorise all the clever bits in case a friend ever spots the book on your shelf and says, “Oh, you’ve got that book.”

Erotic Scenes in Highbrow Literature
You read twelve pages about agricultural machinery in post-war Sweden and are left with the submliminal impression there was a couple screwing somewhere on page 7.

Like a scene from…

There is now a (get you in the) mood board for each of my published stories. There’s another one already complete, but it won’t go public until the next collection is launched.

These image collections are not intended to be viewed alongside reading the stories, because it’s more powerful to let your own imagination paint the scene from the text.

The images are intended to give a visual flavour-burst of the whole piece. These were the kind of images in my head when I wrote the stories, so if the overall collection of images appeals to your erotic tastes then maybe you will enjoy the stories.

The boards are here:

Like a scene from ‘Pomegranate.’

Like a scene from ‘Mermaid.’

Mermaid was released as part of the free sample from the ‘Cocktails’ anthology, so why not take a look at the board and then head on over to read the whole of Mermaid for free. And please let me know if the images built up realistic expectations or not.

I also have a more general board called ‘The embodiment of erotic.’

New advert from Coco De Mer is scorching

The new advert from Coco De Mer is off the scale. It’s not just the submininal and not-so-subliminal glimpses of erotic content that lift this to another level, but it’s the esoteric metaphorical symbols and plainly surreal ingredients sprinkled in there that throw your mind off at a very strange kink.


Read the whole of ‘Mermaid’ for free

‘Mermaid,’ published in the erotic anthology ‘Cocktails’ from Stringybark Press is one of the free sample stories from that collection.


If you like ‘Mermaid’ and the other sample stories from other authors on that page then please do support independent presses by buying the book from the Stringybark Press online store.